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Europe on the Way to her Apocalypse

History – Background – Perspectives

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22,00 EUR
inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Art.Nr.: 978-3-96940-854-4
Autoren: von Goldbach, Georg
Mehr Artikel von: von Goldbach, Georg
Seiten: 482
Einband: Taschenbuch



Description: Content of the Book

In the threshold year of 1919, only a few people might have had a foreshadowing feeling concerning the importance of the political decisions taken after the First World War for the future coexistence of the nations on our planet. 
After the end of the British Empire, the European monarchies and the classical bourgeoisie, the age of democracies, globalization and US hegemony was heralded. Even if people's lives, on a small and large scale, do not run according to a plan, it is astonishing to see how a red thread runs through the history of mankind over the last hundred years. 
However, the book does not stop there, but shows ways in which geopolitics and contemporary history may once again be actively shaped in the future by a united Europe. This will require saying goodbye to the previous geopolitical paradigm that has limited Europe’s role to that of a subordinate partner of US interests and within NATO. The EU started as a peacemaker. However, the EU and her member states have since become increasingly involved in wars. At the same time, the EU has played the role of a junior partner to the US and has not grown up to become a sovereign and formative actor on the geopolitical stage. 
Obviously, we have reached a bifurcation point in Europe’s history. Europe must now initiate the overdue paradigm shift in order to become an independent actor in geopolitics. The previous linear solutions, in line with US and NATO interests, must be brought to an end in European politics. The book provides convincing examples of successful paradigm shifts at the international level. 
A new self-confident image of Europe is the prerequisite. This requires determination and a political will to build up a new self-confidence to finally reposition Europe and the EU as sovereign and independent actors in the geopolitical arena.

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